Lens Hood
Do I really need to use one? What's the purpose of using the lens hood?
The lens hood is used to prevent light from hitting the front of the lens from the sides. Dispersion of the light inside the lens creates flare and causes loosing the clarity of the image.
Pictures taken with a lens hood installed can have richer colors and deeper saturation.
Also some impact protection is gained from taking accidental blow to the lens.
Secondary use for a lens hood is to protect the lens from accidental touches and scratches to the front element are reduced simply because the glass is more difficult to reach with the hood in place.
Ultra wide angle lenses have very short hoods that offer very little protection, while lens hoods on longer focal length lenses - tele lens. It offers more front lens element protection from rain and dust. Of course, if your lens is not weather sealed, you should not let it get wet in the first place. A clean and dry front element will allow the camera to deliver the better image quality.
Lens hoods usually attach in reversed position for convenient, but compact, storage. Note that this reversed position is not for shooting and active use of the lens. I am amazed at the number of people I see shooting with their lens hood in this reversed position. Don't be one of them - the hood is just in the way when reversed - it does no good.
Apart from a beneficial use of the lens hood:
When I buy a new lens, which by default comes with the lens hood, I immediately buy a UV filter to protect the lens from scratches and finger prints.
Protection against UV (sunny day on the beach or on the snow) gives you also better quality image.
If you want to see some images clear images in HDR click here